More than 60 per cent of Britons who steal from hotels do so because they don’t consider it stealing or believe hotels expect them to take things, according to a survey of 1,000 people by flight booking company Just The Flight.

The survey, which aimed to uncover attitudes towards stealing from hotels, could provide guidance for hoteliers wishing to reduce expenses caused by light-fingered guests.

Millions of Britons return from their holidays bringing back more than just a tan, with 43 per cent of people admitting to stealing from hotels.

But what makes some people decide to pack a hotel towel or two in their suitcase?

Guests that stole most commonly did so because they didn’t consider it stealing – three in five people believed it was expected of them by hotels. Twelve per cent stole because they didn’t believe the hotel offered value for money, while 15 per cent admitted they took things because they didn’t think they’d get caught.

Among the reasons given by guests who didn’t steal, 35 per cent said there was nothing they wanted, and seven per cent were afraid of getting caught. While 16 per cent said they didn’t steal because it set a bad example to children, those living in households with children were just as likely as those without children to take things from hotels.

Mark Byart, director of internet for, said: “The survey shows Britons aren’t always sure about what they can and can’t take. Some hotels are happy for you to take mementos home, but others run on very tight margins and would rather not see extra toiletries going missing. Some hotels already have price lists for in-room items such as dressing gowns and towels - being upfront with guests can only improve their hotel experience.”