is crop biotechnology blasphemous?

When you start playing around with genes, you're playing God. I don't think we have enough experience to play God. We need a little humility. It seems to be in short supply these days - D Bower, Friends of the Earth, 1987

Genetic engineering is dealing with physical processes which are part of that divine providence and have a place in God's future for the universe - I H Jones, Theology and genetics, 1991

is crop biotechnology unnatural?

To change that which is natural is to alter the harmony within living beings and the harmony in their relationship with the external environment - M Fox, Transgenic animals: ethical and welfare concerns, 1990

The release of organisms into the environment is a natural process which is increased by human activities - J E Berringer, The release of genetically engineered plants and micro-organisms, 1988

is crop biotechnology disrespectful?

What has happened to a society that accepts the transfer of genes between species, claims to be able to control the shape of nature and allows the control of this shaping to be placed in private hands through patenting? - S Mayer, Greenpeace, 1994

Genetic engineering is an area of research of immense complexity and astonishing simplicity, which occasions amazement and its own kind of reverence - I H Jones, Theology and genetics, 1991

is crop biotechnology unfair?

Technological advance puts farmers on a treadmill - W W Cochrane, The city man's guide to the farm problem, 1965

Every technological revolution brings about social changes with problems which governments have to face and to which societies must adapt. It is not the technology itself which can solve the problems. Nor is their existence an argument for stopping the clock or for trying to stop it in our very privileged area of the world - D Taverne, The case for biotechnology, 1990

how to weigh the costs and the benefits

Whether the beneficiaries are identified as white males, developed countries, or multinational corporations, winnings from the game are not likely to be distributed fairly, to serve the needs of the disadvantaged, nor to help us fit ourselves better into nature -

G Cornstock, Genetically engineered herbicide resistance, 1990

I see no way the Africans are going to be able to feed themselves, unless they have the technologies that fit their conditions. We believe that through biotechnology it will be possible to develop plants that would tolerate those conditions - N Brady, The science of biotechnology, 1986

l Quotes used are to be found

in Ethics, Morality and Crop Biotechnology, a booklet sponsored by the Biotechnology and biological Sciences Research Council