September 16.

So John Macleod's column has graduated from its usual smug and

moralistic tone to being downright offensive (September 15).

Myself, my friends, both male and female, were stunned to read the

ignorant, naive, and hurtful ramblings of this Young Journalist of the

Year. The emphasis I feel must be placed on the word young. What other

excuse could there be for his inflammatory article? This piece of

writing suggests that men are not involved in the quest for children: I

know several whose biological clocks are ticking far louder than that of

their wives. To reduce the role of the man to that of a stud is both

insulting and untrue.

How dare he imply that women who put off childrearing to pursue a

career, which incidentally often involves a constant battle with men as

ignorant and unenlightened as John Macleod, and then discover they are

infertile, have no-one to blame but themselves. How anyone can appoint

themselves to moralise on such an emotive and personal issue is beyond

me. Also contained within the piece was a hefty kick in the ribs for

unmarried mothers and so-called new men.

I feel extremely sorry for both John Macleod's mother and his

wife/future wife or partner. Good luck to anyone who tries to educate

this man.

Cheryl Margiotta,


Girdleness Lighthouse,
