July 15.

I was present on behalf of the citizens of Glasgow at an emergency

debate forced upon the Government by the Labour Party on the question of

the privatisation of water and the gerrymandering involved at the base

of their local government reorganisation proposals (July 14).

I believe that if every Scots man and woman had witnessed these four

hours there would be no votes for the Tory Party ever again in Scotland.

There were throughout these four hours only six Tory MPs at the debate.

Mr Lang showed his utter contempt for the people of Scotland by making

a contribution which read like a skit from the Cambridge Footlights --

of which it will be remembered he was a student member. His performance

was juvenile and arrogant and consisted largely of cynical jokes at the

expense of the Scots.

However, he repeated twice that the aim of the Government measures was

to ''lift the veil of socialism from the people of Scotland''. A clear

admission of the Tories' aim to reorganise local government to suit Tory

electoral purposes.

He was clearly making two public admissions that he did not see local

government in Scotland as an expression of the will of the people of

Scotland, nor did he see councils as democratic institutions voted for

by the people of Scotland and representing their political will, nor as

protectors or providers of the services upon which so many in Scotland


Rather he saw local government in Scotland as a game which he and his

colleagues would play with in order to serve their narrow party


It was the most cynical performance I have ever seen. It convinced me

as nothing has before of the crass amorality of the Tory Party. It would

have made every Scot writhe with embarrassment at the clear

demonstration of our dominion status under a Tory Governor-General (the

Tory Secretary of State for Scotland).

The Labour MPs were present in full force, as were the other

Opposition parties. Many forceful contributions were made defending

Scotland's right to retain its water in public ownership and to decide

its own forms of local government, as indeed the English under a

commission are being enabled to do.

Much play was made about public consultation by the Government but it

was obvious from the derisive answers of the Tories that little heed had

been paid to the democratic expressions of the wishes of the people as

they were not seen by the Government to serve Tory Party purposes.

Despite the fact that only six Tories were present from 3pm to 7pm, at

7pm 315 Tories went through the lobbies, 309 of them voting in a debate

they had not graced with their presence.

So much for Tory attitudes to Scots. So much for democracy.

Councillor Pat Chalmers,

Secretary of the Labour Group,

Glasgow District Council.