Here's the latest Argus column by Monmouthshire County Council leader Cllr Peter Fox:

SCHOOL'S out for summer.

I am so proud of all the staff who work in our schools, I would like to thank them for their enthusiasm and dedication in helping children and young people become the best they can be.

I would also like to say well done to all of our pupils for their hard work, and good luck to all learners expecting exam results in August.

This year has been fantastic for all of our schools.


For example, Shirenewton Primary School has been recognised by Estyn, the Education and Training Inspectorate for Wales, for its innovative ‘Over to You Time’ initiative which enables pupils to learn through play - which in turn supports independent learning.

Staff play alongside the pupils and support them to become confident, competent and independent thinkers and learners.

Staff also meet weekly to discuss the learners’ progress and achievements.

Teachers make regular use of outdoor activities to motivate pupils and to engage them in creative and physical development.

Shirenewton is also a pioneer school for expressive arts and is a professional learning school in the Education Attainment Service consortium.

A great example of a school that’s constantly improving is Goytre Fawr Primary School.

It has been recognised by Estyn for having a very caring community with an inclusive and happy ethos.

Wellbeing is such an important aspect of school life and effective leadership is key to the success of all our schools.

Goytre Fawr Primary like all of our schools is putting wellbeing at the heart of all aspects of school life.

Goytre Fawr Primary school was also recently accredited with its Bronze Award in the Cymraeg Campus programme, run by the EAS, which recognises the improvements in Welsh language, culture and ethos at the school.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the long serving staff who are retiring this summer who have made such a difference to the lives of so many children and young people long serving.

Headteachers Mark Gunn, Jon Murphy and Ali Szwagrzak are retiring this summer - I wish you all the very best.

Enjoy the summer everyone – you all deserve a relaxing break. For anyone looking for fun activities for children and young people this summer please check out

– you’ll find a range of ideas to give children the summer they want.